Speech and language therapy
Voice training

...everything concerning communication:
Speech and language therapy & voice training using state-of-the-art methods
and the latest scientific findings.
Our areas of specialization
Consultation, diagnostics and therapy for children, adolescents and adults
in German, English and Spanish.
Speech therapy helps...
if the voice is hoarse and not very resilient
if you want to change the sound of your voice (also for trans* people)
if you have difficulty to be understood
or struggle with pronunciation
in case of stuttering or rumbling
if you have difficulty swallowing or speaking after neurological events
in case of facial palsy
with an open mouth posture or an incorrect swallowing pattern (also accompanying orthodontic measures)
Speech therapy with CHILDREN :
if you have difficulty understanding your child or communicating with him/her
if your child does not (yet) speak or speaks too little for his age
if your child has difficulty following verbal instructions
if your child mixes up sounds, leaves them out or cannot yet pronounce them
if your child has difficulty reading and writing
in case of stuttering
if you want to support your child in their language development
in case of difficulties with multilingualism
with an open mouth posture or an incorrect swallowing pattern
if your child has problems chewing or with certain textures
our team